The BPM Analyzer is a handy tool that provides analysis of your use of applications on Windows. This will include searching for the windows registry and calculating the time spent in each application. A good place to start is with the "All Apps" tab. With this you can see where the time is being wasted and see if there are any shortcuts taken. It also displays the application used space and total disk space used by applications. It provides a good overview of what is taking up space and how much of that you can get rid of.
You can download the free version of the program and try it out. Some features are not available to download. Some downloads offer extra features such as display of all installed programs, find missing items, "Remove" feature, desktop automation and more. I recommend looking at the offers first to see if you need these features before downloading the program. Most of the offers are going to be limited but you might find something you are interested in.
The paid versions do offer a lot more than the free version. A very popular paid program is known as "Super Grader". It can actually reduce the time it takes to complete an installation or uninstall of Windows to as little as one second. This is great for any business that uses several computers for the same purpose.